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Amazon to Tally Data Import Subscription
₹6,300.00 + GST
eCommerce to Tally Re-Training Charges
₹8,100.00 ₹5,400.00 + GST
Ideal for the existing paid users who wish to provide re-training to the new staff/employees/users within the organization.
End to end training will be provided on your actual data.
Category: eCommerce Accounting Services
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This service is valid for 3 months. You can renew after 3 months only if your required continues hand-holding from our team.
Note: This service does not include GST filling, Case escalations with eCommerce portals, Order Wise Profit & Loss generations, stock reconciliation and similar activity.
Note: This service does not include GST filling, Case escalations with eCommerce portals, Order Wise Profit & Loss generations, stock reconciliation and similar activity.
eCommerce to Tally Re-Demo Charges
Ideal for the new users who wish to conduct re-demonstration of our solution with other internal or external members belongs to your organization.
End to end demo will be provided on your sample data.